Focus for sprint three involved around understanding:
- what worked well in sprint 2 and what didn’t
- whether we will be able to use GOV.UK content formats to shape our landing page
- what is the optimum learning experience for PVI’s and childminders
- case study format
- forum to ask quick questions
- expression of interest for events and webinars
- explanation of theory behind reforms
# Design artefacts
# Guidance document – version 2
# Hypothesis to validate
We believe that [vast majority of] practitioners will need a user-friendly written guide to the reforms to enable them to understand what the changes mean to them.
# User need
I need to know what the changes mean for me and my role so that I am able to do something about it and be ready for Ofsted.
# Practical support – concept A (v2)
Collection page or landing page – link to prototype
Practical support format for mathematics – link to prototype
Case study page to support with the prime areas so practitioners can learn how others have implemented the changes in their practice – link to prototype
Testing whether a forum type approach might be useful for users to ask questions and get answers from experts
# Hypothesis to validate
We believe that practitioners need help identifying areas they need additional support in
We believe that [some] practitioners will need additional support to enable them to implement changes
# Underlying user needs
I need to be able to easily find and access relevant guidance and training so that I know what is good quality and suitable for me
I need an instant response to my questions, so that I am not feeling stressed about doing my job wrong
I need training on the reforms for me and my team, so that I can check my knowledge and make sure we are all doing the right thing
# User insights
All user groups desire more depth of detail in key elements of the reforms, such as how to work with the broader age bands, and how this will fit with OFSTED
It should be possible to meet this user need by continuing to iterate the planned content and prototype
The interaction between the reforms in practice and OFSTED is a key piece of missing information
The content of the page is more important to users than the delivery method
Hearing from experts is less of a priority and the named experts weren’t familiar to our users
Childminders tended to be more supportive of the option of an online ‘support forum’ than PVI users
Users tend not to have a preference for training provided on or linked out to other sites
There is no ‘one size fits all’ training solution
Live webinars, designed to replicate face-to-face training, are increasingly popular